English Resources - FREE -

English Resources - FREE -

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009


Los sustantivos forman el plural añadiendo la terminación "-s":

cat / cats

head / heads
Cuando el sustantivo presenta una de las siguientes terminaciones forma el plural añadiendo "-es":
- s (focus / focuses)
- ss (miss / misses)
- sh (fish / fishes)
- ch (stitch / stitches)
- x (fox / foxes)
Si el sustantivo finaliza en "-y":
Tras consonante: presenta en plural la terminación "-ies"
Battery / batteries
Tras vocal: forma el plural añadiendo "-s"
Bay / bays

Si el sustantivo termina en vocal "-o" forma el plural añadiendo "-es":

Tomato / tomatoes


Cuando se utilizan como preposiciones van seguidas de un sustantivo o de un pronombre.

"Like" se traduce por "como / igual que / similar a / parecido a" con el sentido de similitud. Se trata de una comparación:

He behaved like a kid (no es que fuera un niño, pero lo parecía)

Your car is fast like a rocket

He looks like his father

"As" se traduce también por "como" con el sentido de "en calidad de". Se trata de una identidad.

Use this rope as a belt (la cuerda no se parece a un cinturón, pero se utiliza haciendo la función de cinturón)

The army used this building as its headquarters

En el siguiente ejemplo se puede ver la diferencia entre "like" y "as":

My house is always full of people, it is like a hotel (es parecido a un hotel)

The building where I live was used before as a hotel (funcionó en calidad de hotel)

También se utiliza la preposición "as" con profesiones:

My brother works as a lawyer

"As" se puede utilizar también como conjunción en cuyo caso va seguido por una oración (sujeto + verbo). Se traduce por "como".

The terrorist acted as we expected

Do your homework as your teacher has told you


Find (see) the pharmacy in front of you (on your right / on your left, ...): Encuentra (ve) la farmacia delante suya (a su derecha, a su izquierda, ...)

Go along (the street, the avenue, ...): Continúa a lo largo (de la calle, avenida, ...)

Go back (till the hotel, …): Vuelve hacia atrás (hasta el hotel, …)

Go down: Sigue cuesta abajo

Go on: Continúa

Go past (the Post Office, ...): Sigue hasta pasar Correo

Go straight on: Continúa recto

Go to the end (of the street, of the road, …): Continúa hasta el final (de la calle, de la carretera, ...)

Go up: Sigue cuesta arriba

Halfway down the street (up the street): A mitad de camino calle abajo (calle arriba, ...)

Take the first (the second, ...) turning on your left (on your right, ...): Coge la primera calle a mano izquierda

That place is round the corner: Ese lugar está cerca de la esquina (a la vuelta de las esquina)

That place is at the corner: Ese lugar está en la esquina

Till the corner (the turning, ...): Hasta la esquina (la bocacalle, …)

Till you see the restaurant on your right (on your left, in front of you, opposite you, ...): Hasta que veas el restaurante a tu derecha

Till you come to the restaurant: Hasta que llegues al restaurante

Turn left (right) into the street (the avenue, ...): Gira a la izquierda y entra en la calle


According + to

Accustomed + to

Afraid, frightened, terrified, scared, proud, ashamed, jealous, envious, suspicious + of (someone / something)

Angry, annoyed, furious + about (something) / with (someone for doing something)

Anxious + about

Aware, conscious + of (something)

Capable, incapable + of (something)

Crowded + with (people)

Delighted, pleased, satisfied, disappointed, bored, fed up + with (something)

Different + from (someone / something)

Excited, worried, upset + about (something)

Famous + for (something)

Fit + for

Fond + of (someone / something)

Full + of (something)

Good, bad, excellent+ at (doing something) / for (someone / something)

Impressed + by (someone / something)

Interested + in (something)

Keen + on (something)

Married, engaged + to (someone)

Nervous + of

Nice, kind, good, generous, mean, stupid, silly, intelligent, clever, polite, rude, unreasonable + of (someone)

Prepared + for

Ready + for

Responsible + for (something)

Short + of (something)

Similar + to (something)

Sorry + about (something) / for (doing something)

Successful + in

Surprised, shocked, amazed, astonished + by (something)

Tired + of (something)

Used + to


To accuse (someone) of (something)

To apologise to (someone) for (something)

To apply for (a job)

To ask (someone) about (someone / something)

To ask (someone) for (something) (pedir algo)

To believe in (something)

To belong to (someone)

To blame (someone / something) for (something)

To borrow (something) from (someone)

To compare (something) with (something)

To complain to (someone) about (someone / something)

To concentrate on (something)

To congratulate (someone) on (something)

To crash into (something) (estrellarse)

To depend on (someone / something)

To die of (an illness)

To divide (something) into (parts)

To dream about (someone / something)

To explain (a problem) to (someone)

To forgive (someone) for (something)

To happen to (someone / something)

To hear about (something)

To insist on

To invite (someone) to (a party)

To laugh at

To listen to (someone / something)

To look after (someone / something)

To look at (someone / something)

To look for (someone / something) (to try to find)

To look forward to

To object to (someone / something)

To pay (someone) for (something)

To persist in

To prefer (someone / something) to (someone / something)

To prepare for

To protect (someone / something) from (someone / something)

To provide (someone) with (something)

To punish (someone) for (something)

To remind (someone) of (someone / something) (me hace redordar)

To remind (someone) about (something) (recordarle a alguien algo)

To run into (something) (estrellarse) / (someone) (atropellar)

To spend (money) on (something)

To shout at (someone) (angrily) / to (someone) (para que se entere)

To smile at

To speak to (someone) about (someone / something)

To succeed in

To suffer from (an illness)

To take care of (someone / something)

To talk to (someone) about (someone / something)

To thank (someone) for (something)

To think about (someone / something) (reflexionar sobre algo, recordar)

To think of (pensar en algo, imaginar, recordar)

To throw (something) at (someone / something) (para golpearle)

To throw (something) to (someone / something) (para que lo coja)

To translate (a book) from (one language) into (another language)

To wait for (someone / something)

To warn(someone) about (someone / something)

To write to (someone)


Across: de un lado a otro

James swims across the river

Along: a lo largo de

Every morning Michael runs along the beach

Down: Abajo

Paul went down the hill

Over: sobre, por encima de

The horse jumps over the fence

Round: alrededor de

The dog runs round the house chasing the cat

Through: a través de

Henry hit the ball and it went into the classroom through the window

Towards: hacia

That plane flies towards America

Up: Arriba

Thomas went up the stairs to take the English dictionary


a) Viajar en un medio de transporte

Si se hace referencia únicamente al medio de transporte utilizado y no a un vehículo concreto se utiliza la preposición "by":

To go by car

To go by train

To go by plane

To go by ship

To go by bus

To go by motorbike

To go by bicycle


By road

By sea

By air

By rail

By underground

Salvo en las expresiones:

On foot

On horse

On a bicycle

Cuando se hace referencia a un vehículo concreto:

1.- Se utiliza la preposición "in" con los siguientes vehículos:

In my car

In a taxi

2.- Y la preposición "on" con los siguientes vehículos:

On the bus number 12

On the 09:00 train

On a very old ship

On my bike

b) Subir o bajar de un medio de transporte

Depende del tipo de vehículo:

1.- Con "car", "taxi" se utilizan las expresiones:

Get in (into): subir

Get out of : bajar

2.- Con "train", "bus", "horse", "bicycle", "motorbike", etc.:

Get on (onto): subir

Get off : bajar

3.- Con un barco se utiliza la expresión:

To go on board