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jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Money & Finance - Vocabulary



       A.T.M.     Automated Teller Machine;  cash dispenser
-->        Banknote     Piece of paper money        Borrow     Obtain money which must be returned        Broke (to be)     To have no money        Budget     Amount of money available or needed for a specific use        Cash     Coins or bank notes (not cheques);  actual money paid, not credit        Cash dispenser     Automatic machine from which a bank customer may withdraw
       Cashier     A person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, shop, etc.        Cheque/check     Written order to a bank to pay the stated amount from one's
       Coin     A piece of metal used as money        Currency     The money used in a country        Debt     Money owed by one person to another        Deposit     Sum payable as a first instalment on a purchase;
    money placed in an account in a bank
       Donate     Give money especially to charity; make a donation        Exchange rate     The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another        Fee     Payment made to a professional person (doctor, lawyer, etc.)        Interest     Money paid for borrowing or investing money        Invest     To put money into business, property, etc. in order to earn
    interest or profit
       Legal tender     Currency that cannot legally be refused as payment        Lend     Give or allow the use of money which must be returned with
       Loan     Sum of money to be returned with interest        Owe     To be in debt to somebody; to owe money to somebody        Petty cash     Small amount of cash available for everyday expenses        Receipt     Written statement that money has been paid        Refund     Pay back money received;  reimburse        Tip     Small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi driver, etc.        Withdraw     Take money from a bank account

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